Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Healsville Sanctuary and Australia's endangered species

In 2009 I was involved in this very exciting initiative from Craft Victoria.

Healsville Sanctuary were looking for some new products for their Zoo's shop. The brief was to create a product that was also educational in sharing with people the plight of 6 Australian Endangered Species; The Mountain Pigmy Possum, The Helmeted Honey Eater, The Orange Bellied Parrot, The Southern Corroboree Frog, The Spotted Tree Frog and The Tasmanian Devil. Each of these critters future hangs in the balance and I was very honoured to be a part of such a project.

Every card tells a little story about each animal and is made from my gorgeous seeded paper, this paper is embedded with Lemon Scented Bottlebrush, so following the instructions on the back of the card, it can be planted - it just keeps on giving!!

These little cards have been so popular at the Sanctuary, Healsville recently made another order of stationery. These cards are sold exclusively with Healsville, but I do think it is well worth the trip to pick up one of these very special cards.

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